New Devil's Dictionary: A New Version of the Cynical Classic

Author: Rhoda Klein Koenig  Date Posted:7 December 2021 

A new and beautifully illustrated collection of bitter, biting definitions to celebrate the centenary of "The Devil's Dictionary" Ambrose Bierce's classic "The Devil's Dictionary" first appeared in its entirety in 1911.

Its caustic wit and arch tone have ensured steady popularity and sales to this day. To mark its centennial, Rhoda Koenig gives us a new version of Bierce's mordant vision. Its myriad definitions, like the original's, individually expose hypocrisy, pretension, and vanity and collectively paint a mocking portrait of society at its worst. More than just a denunciation of jargon or political correctness, it lambasts old and young, rich and poor, male and female, left and right, and takes them all down a peg--or three. It deals with classic subjects but also defines new ideas and explicates new usages from "academia" to "teamwork" to "women's magazine." Among the many definitions inside...

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